Sunday, December 19, 2010
Blog title...
MICHAEL Michael Kors Womens 3/4 Length Down Coat @ 75% OFF! Best price and Free Shipping! Guaranteed to keep you toasty and snug this winter:
MICHAEL Michael Kors Womens 3/4 Length Down Coat @ 75% OFF! Guaranteed to keep you toasty and snug this winter:
Friday, December 3, 2010
Street Surfing Whiplash Wave Scooter
With Christmas just around the corner this has to solve a few gift problems. The Street Surfing Whiplash Wave Scooter (whew what a mouthful) is a great gift for any kid and why stop at Christmas, it would be equally as good for a birthday as well! This review links you to an opportunity to buy at a savings of 25% off as well as free shipping.
A Street Surfing Whiplash Wave Scooter is a great Christmas gift for the kid(s) in your life. Get a great price here:
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Build A Cat Tree Yourself and Save a Fortune!
Commercial cat furniture is usually expensive rubbish. Build your own, it's fun and dead easy, anyone can do it. How about giving one (or more) as a unique Christmas gift? No special tools needed -
Commercial cat furniture is usually expensive rubbish. Build your own, it's fun and dead easy, anyone can do it:
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
KitchenAid Stand Mixer Sale Up To 36% Off
How about this for a great Christmas gift idea? Up to 36% off KitchenAid stand mixers. Great products with great, no questions asked warranties. Don't forget - you deserve one too:
KitchenAid stand mixer sale, up to 36% off! Great Christmas gift idea
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Home Exchange In France
Home Exchange in France means a vacation with absolutely no accommodation costs. Did you know (etsablished in 1986) lists 400+ great listings to home exchange in France, with more listings being added daily:
Home Exchange France! has 400+ great French listings. Home exchange means no accommodation costs ever!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Margarita Makers?The Ultimate Party Machines!
Serious margarita drinkers love the professional, restaurant quality they obtain from a dedicated frozen concoction maker. No more guesswork, no more chunks of ice; professional pre-programmed consistency every time.
According to statistics, margaritas were the most popular ordered drinks in both 2008 and 2009, and it looks as if that trend is continuing through 2010. On average, Americans consume in excess of 185,000 margaritas per hour.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Blog title...
Amazon is currently in the middle of their blowout fall sale. They have some fantastic bargains, most with FREE shipping. You could do some great early Christmas shopping. You're going to have to hurry, this sale ends on Sunday the 26th!-
Don't miss out on Amazon's huge Fall Blowout Sale. Fantastic bargains, many with free shipping. Ends Sunday-
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My Vets Best Flea Control Recommendation
When I needed to consult my vet about flea treatment for a tiny, injured kitten I'd rescued, he recommended Frontline. Read the full story:
Do you know what the best flea control is? My vet recommended Frontline. Read more:
Monday, July 26, 2010
Shop Online and Support Pet Charities
Do you shop online? Would it make you feel really good to know that when you shop, a percentage of what you spend goes to a worthwhile pet charity? has partnered with several top quality online stores such as Amazon and PetCareRx to make this possible. Just go to and use the links provided.
Your support is needed to make this work. Please make it happen!! has partnered with several top quality online stores such as Amazon and PetCareRx to make this possible. Just go to and use the links provided.
Your support is needed to make this work. Please make it happen!!
Shop and help homeless, abandoned, abused pets. Use the shopping links at (Amazon, PetCareRx etc).
Friday, July 23, 2010
Ask Our Online Vet
A new service from 4PetsOnline. Quality advice from a team of high class veterinarians:
Monday, May 10, 2010
This is one especially good looking notebook. No hype, I bought one myself recently and I love it: -
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
New Dog Training book - Full of Dog Training Advice
There are a huge number of people who, for one reason or another, have problems training their dogs. I receive emails all the time from people begging for dog training advice, for puppy training tips, how to house train a dog, etc. When I delve a little deeper, their problems invariably involve a general lack of communication with their dogs and puppies. Dogs are intelligent animals and can easily learn the meaning of many words, but the key word here is "learn". All too many people think that they only need to speak to their dogs and puppies to correct or chastise them. Wrong! My new dog training e-bookDog Training 4 Life explains how you should start talking to your dog or puppy immediately he or she enters the house. He will love it and he will quickly learn to pay attention and listen to what you are saying. Any verbal communication is great, but make sure to include certain relevant phrases in your conversations: "Do you need to go out?" "Would you like a treat?" "Shall we go for a ride?" "Fetch your ball!" Always use the same word or phrase every time. If necessary, first repeat the dog's name until you have his attention. It's important not to use words or phrases that sound alike because that will just confuse the dog. Also, when saying something that is of importance, speak slowly and clearly. My dog training e-book also explains the importance of your quickly establishing yourself as the pack leader or top dog. Never allow your dog to dictate any situation or push you to one side. When leaving the house to go for a walk you pass through the door first. In any play session always bring an extra toy and pick it up and put it away again when play is over. Allow your dog to lick you, lean on you and rub around you. A young puppy begins life by licking his mother's lips when asking for food, so when your dog licks you it's a sign of submission and affection. When your dog leans against you or rubs around you, it's his way of telling you that he depends upon you and is asking for your protection. If you react by coldly pushing him away, you will be sending him a very negative signal. Dog Training 4 Life is an e-book that is the result of my more than thirty years of experience in dog training. I was taught by the very best and I've added my own experience and methods to that teaching. There is no such thing as a bad dog, but there are far too many dogs that have received bad training, or no training at all. Dogs love to please their owners and when you approach their training the right way with lots of praise and positive reinforcement, plus clear indication of what is expected, your dog will be happy to respond positively. Another tipif your young dog is bursting with energy and you have difficulty focusing his attention, take him for a good walk or engage him in a vigorous play session before moving on to any actual training. Also, keep training sessions short, but frequent; six ten minute training sessions will produce far better results than one long hour straight. For much more information about my dog training book "Dog Training 4 Life" Click Here!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Adopting a Shelter Dog - How to Introduce Your Shelter Dog to His New Home
I ask people all the time, why spend money to buy a dog when you can adopt a needy, loving dog from your local animal shelter and it will cost virtually nothing. Purebred puppies are often plagued with health issues, caused by over breeding - problems that are often completely removed from dogs of mixed breeds. But if your heart is set on a purebred, this can still be achieved at your local shelter. When I visited mine recently there were two spaniels, two black Labradors, one golden retriever and a Boston terrier that were without question, purebreds. As far as I could see they were all great dogs and were only dumped at the shelter because their owners had no idea how to train them properly - or had little time to devote to them. Another way to find a great purebred dog in need of a caring home is to search on the breed name + rescue on the Internet. Many breed specific organizations maintain connections with pounds and shelters and move quickly to pick up dogs, then hold them for adoption into permanent homes. The majority of shelter dogs need little more than a ton of love, attention and some time spent in obedience training to become trusting, affectionate companions. It's my experience that shelter dogs are inevitably more devoted and loving than dogs that have never experienced abandonment and hardship. Some pound and shelter dogs may have had to endure assorted unhappy circumstances before arriving there. Possibly they were mistreated, abandoned by their previous owners, or wandered the streets alone for some time. Initially they will be confused and won't understand why they are being taken to yet another new location - they will have no way of knowing that this time you are taking them to their new forever home. The method I recommend to teach your rescue dog to settle in and adapt quickly, is to immediately set up a regular schedule and stick to it for several weeks. Set feeding times, exercise, walks and play times will all help your new friend fit in as quickly as possible. Dogs can be especially quick to adapt to the schedules of their owners and many seem to have well defined internal clocks. I had one dog who without fail went to sit next to the door from our garage into the house at five o'clock every day, waiting for me to arrive home. A perceptive owner may discover that his or her dog wants to set his own schedule. Your dog may prefer to play early in the morning and again in the late afternoon. To indicate this he could start bringing you his toys and trying to gain your attention at those times in the day. Never be inflexible, you should be able to adjust your schedule to whatever best fits your dog. Should it ever be necessary to discipline your shelter dog, you should always start with the minimum amount of correction, just relying upon your tone of voice to indicate your disapproval. Usually that is all that is needed as a disciplinary tool. Remember that some dogs may have been mishandled, mistreated and even abused. Any sudden or threatening movement on your part will confuse and frighten your dog and he may cringe or growl. Should this happen it will tell you immediately there are some issues to overcome. Kindness and patience will resolve the problems and heal the mental wounds, but It will take time to gain the total, unquestioning trust of the animal. Beginning the day you arrive home with your adopted pet, handle him and communicate with him frequently. Examine his ears and his paws; inspect the skin underneath his coat closely. Why? What are you looking for? Nothing really. What you are doing is conveying the message to your dog that from now on, you will constantly be touching him and looking at him closely. It's quite common for a dog to become very anxious with this attention but it is crucial to establish your "right" to do this. In fact, grooming, bathing and trips to your veterinarian will depend upon you and others being able to handle the dog easily. You should also begin behavior training immediately you arrive home for the first time. Lavish him with treats and dog biscuits, but gently insist that he sits before receiving each reward. Take him for walks - but establish that you are his "leader" by always going through the doorway first. Through your voice and its tone, make sure the dog knows exactly what is expected of him and when he has done wrong. Never rebuke your shelter dog for anything unless you actually catch him in the act. Follow this advice and your dog will understand what is expected of him and he will quickly settle in and learn to trust you as his new owner. Adopting a shelter dog can be an amazingly rewarding experience. Shelters all around the country are bursting at the seams with dogs that have been cast aside for no better reason than their owner didn't have time for them any more, or the child they had originally been bought for had moved on to another fad. Many dogs are abandoned at shelters because their owners never made the effort to train them properly. The cute little puppy grew into a boisterous youngster with no manners. Dogs love to please but they were never given the opportunity to learn how to do so. For much more help and information about training dogs of all breeds and ages, please take a look at my recently published, instantly downloadable e-book Dog Training 4 Life.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Give Your Dog a Forever Home
Why do you want a dog? If it's because you saw a cute puppy and thought pet ownership looked like a fun thing to try – do the pet a favor and buy a plant. That adorable small pup will grow and mature. Responsible pet owners know that with proper care, good nutrition and patient training the puppy will grow into a true companion. Tied up as a lawn ornament and ignored, he will have a miserable life. Abandoned by a person who loses interest, he doesn't know what he did wrong. Far too often, dogs are purchased or adopted to fill an empty space in the life of a person. They aren't meant to be temporary accessories to show off to friends or to fill the void left by divorce or job loss. Many shelter dogs were once spoiled pets - for a short time. They were pampered and petted and cared for only until their owner moved on to a new relationship or found a new hobby. This type of owner is less likely to provide structure and behavior training for their animal - and the most likely to drop the pooch at a shelter or, worse, by the side of the road. Responsible pet owners know that adding this new canine member to their household is a long term commitment. They understand that teaching the house rules is a process that requires patience and understanding. Grooming, feeding, fresh water and playtime are not optional but are daily commitments. The life span of pets varies with breeds. You may be surprised to learn that the larger breeds have a significantly shorter average lifespan. Awkward and funny when young, the Great Dane will be an oldster at age eight while a small terrier breed may not show any signs of advancing age until many years later. Good nutrition and health care will extend the life of your pet and each stage of their life has something to offer to you as their owner. The little Fido you brought into your home will play and chew up everything in site, bark at every new experience and be constantly underfoot. The potential is there for him to grow into a friend that will follow you everywhere, fetch balls, do tricks, and even protect you and your property. Responsible pet owners will also treasure the old age of their canine companion as his movements become slower and his main occupation is sleeping at your feet. Whether purchased or adopted, give your dog a forever home. If you enjoyed this post, why not subscribe to my RSS Feed? See the link to the right.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
New Dog Training E-Book "Dog Traing 4 Life" Offered
Yesterday's post featured a free dog training report I've made available to visitors to this blog. If you missed the post, you can find it by >>Clicking Here<<. Today, I want to introduce you to my recently completed e-book Dog Training 4 Life. For me, this e-book was a true labor of love. It really breaks my heart when I see and hear of the thousands of dogs and even puppies that have been written off and cast aside, labeled as "untrainable". Sorry, but I have yet to encounter a dog that is untrainable! My interest in dog training began more than thirty years ago in England; later I moved to the USA and continued to develop my skills. In England my mentor was a lady called Barbara Woodhouse. Her philosophy was simpleThere Are No Bad Dogsand she wrote a book with that title. I would not presume to place myself on a par with Ms. Woodhouse, but I definitely believe that her training methods and unquestionable skills have played an enormous part in my own approach to dog training. For much more information about my e-book "Dog Training 4 Life" >>Click Here<<. I am also offering to answer questions emailed to me from anyone who purchases this book. Just keep a record of your date of purchase and receipt number and I shall be delighted to work with you one-on-one via email on any dog or puppy training issues you continue to have after reading the book.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Brand New "Dog Training Basics" Report FREE 4 You
Hot off the presses (so to speak) I'm offering you the opportunity to instantly download a report I've just finished writing on dog training. If you have a new puppy or an older dog, it's your responsibility to train it properly. A good, well trained dog is a pleasure to own; an untrained or badly trained dog can be a monster in your midst. Remember, your puppy or dog doesn't understand what is right and what is wrong. You need to teach him. Your lessons should be enjoyable and FUN for both of you and this report will most definitely put you on the right track. I have owned dogs for many years. I've trained them all myself and because of the good manners and obedience all of them have displayed, I have frequently been asked to help relatives, friends and even casual acquaintances with their problem pets. To receive your free copy of "Dog Training Basics", just provide me with your name and email address below. Your own personal copy of this report will be emailed to you within seconds.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Review of Halo Purely For Pets Pet Foods
Recently I was contacted by Halo to review their line of wholesome pets products. I agreed and after a few weeks, two boxes of goodies arrived, one for cats and the second for dogs. I examined the labeling carefully which indicates that all their pet foods follow the same fundamental guidelines:
- - Everything is free from by-products, artificial preservatives, colors and flavorings
- - Everything is flavored naturally without any added salt or sugars
- - Everything is real food, simple ingredients with added vitamins and minerals
Spots Stew Dry Formula for cats: I tested this dry formula by first placing a bowl alongside the cats' regular holistic kibble to see which they preferred. On the first day it wasn't touched (cats are suspicious creatures); on the second day the youngest cat of the three sampled the bowl and on the third day I watched all three cats eating the dry formula with relish. On the fourth day I removed their regular food entirely and from there on all three ate the Spots Stew readily. Their overall condition remained excellent and without a doubt it was food they all enjoyed enormously. Spots Stew Canned Cat Food: To be absolutely fair, I have to confess immediately that one of my three cats has always steadfastly rejected ANY canned food. She is a rescue cat who clearly spent her early life eating nothing but kibble and even though she's been with me since 9/11 (yes that's the day I adopted her), nothing has changed her attitude to canned food. Sothe canned food testing involved just two of my cats and they loved it. It comes in chicken, lamb, turkey and salmon flavors and each can, as I opened it smelled fresh and appetizing. If I was forced to criticize it in any way I would say it was slightly wetter and therefore "sloppier" than others I have bought, but the two cats I tested accepted it readily and licked their dishes clean. Liv-a-Littles 100% Chicken Breast Protein Treats This product completely blew me away! When I first opened the container and sniffed the freeze-dried contents I was totally skeptical. The chicken chunks (to my nose anyway) were altogether odorless, and unappetizing and I thought there was no way the cats would eat them. I couldn't have been more wrong! All three adored them and one simply could not get enough. Halo supplied me with two containers, one for the cats and one for the dogs but the dogs never got a look in. I tried them with a couple of pieces, which disappeared without them pausing to even taste them, and I ended up using both containers on the cats. I all too quickly ran outone cat even licked up a pile of dust that I tipped out from the otherwise empty container, but when I went to PetCo to buy some replacements I was horrified to see that a 2.2 oz tub (the same as the two I had tested) would cost me $11.67. I love my cats, but between the three of them a tub would barely last a week. Sorry girls ... VitaGlo Dream Coat: Another resounding success with the catsall three loved it and even went so far as to lick it off the spoon. It comprises of a blend of soybean oil, wheatgerm oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, garlic oil, cod liver oil and anise and Halo states that the longer you use it, the better it works. I believe this to be true; the ingredients are everything needed to promote a healthy coat and skin and it's clearly very palatable and easy to administer.DOG PRODUCTS
Spot's Stew Dry Formula for dogs: Halo offer both a chicken recipe and salmon. The 4lb bag they sent me to test was the chicken recipe. It comprised butcher quality chicken, whole eggs and various farm raised vegetables (cranberries, carrots and Green peas). The dogs loved it! My dogs are not as finicky as the cats so with them I bypassed any gradual introduction and fed them on it in conjunction with cans of Original Spot's Stew. Clearly it hit the spot because it was eaten with relish. One small draw-backalways use a scoop because it has quite a strong smell that is difficult to remove from your hands. Original Spot's Stew for dogs: I was provided with 4 5oz cans: salmon, chicken, beef and lamb. The cans are ring-pull which is very convenient and the contents are fresh smelling and clearly very appetizing to the dogs because they made short work of all of them. Again, all the ingredients were 100% natural whole meats, grains, fresh vegetables with absolutely no by-products, rendered meats or meals. I recommend highly but as with the Protein Treats, they are very expensive. Liv-a-Littles 100% Chicken Breast Protein Treats As I explained earlier, the cats' enthusiasm for this particular product made it all but impossible to test it fairly on the dogs, but the pieces I did manage to sneak to them were positively inhaled, so without a doubt they would have liked to have had more. A resounding paws up! VitaGlo Dream Coat: I followed the instructions on the bottle and sprinkled the correct amount over the dogs' food and just like the cats, they loved it and also like the cats, tried to lick it off the spoon.FINAL CONCLUSIONS:
This line of pets foods from Halo is certainly first rate, made with the finest ingredients and without any nasty additives whatsoever. My pets clearly loved the entire range of samples that were sent to me and if they could speak I know they would give their highest endorsements. The one drawback is the price because everything is, without a doubt expensive, even compared to the 100% holistic diet all my pets were already on. Having said that, all the Halo line is readily available from chains such as PetCo while I have to buy the products I use online.
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